These days it will seem like everybody is a professional. However, we need to give a little bit of way for the ability of technology and computing to reduce poverty. This is not to say there are no requirements by law to practice as a computing proffesional in Nigeria. You have to have been registered, to be tested first, take the exam of the Computer Registeration Council of Nigeria, from the Foundation to the Professinal levels, after which you do a real project. This is why the CPN will take you through. Once you have succesfully proven that you have the requisite knowledge the you are added to the register of the professionals in the country.

There are benchmarks as to who is a professional. To solve a problem with technology you assume it’s only knowledge and skill that you need but experience comes in handy and your ability to understand problems as communicated and to be able to prove you have been tested and duly registered. The CPN neverthless try not to hinder people who see technology as a way out of poverty or unemployment, everybody is therefore alone to play in the computing space. Nevertheless there are laws that gives the CPN the power to control and supervise the practice.


Why Telephony evolved faster


Eventhough computing is the precursor to the telecommunication, it is not expected that they will evolve at same pace. They have different phases. We are at the phase where telecommunications is putting the infrastructure for the next wave of computing revolution. What we are seeing now is telecommunication doing the background work with likes of 5G network. Eventually the re impact wil be felt by what computing itself can be done by computational intelligence which will probably be AI, data systems, connectivity autonomous systems. Computing will leverage on infrastructure created after these background works, to leverage its products and services.


Is IT separate from Finetech

Fine technology is the application of IT. It is more of applying technology in the financial sector in different ways. Information Technology is actually a discipline where you use technolgy to manage information between people and things.

Stephen Oniya
Profession: Entrepreneurs- CEO