The endless evolution of algorithms in search engines have one purpose – to deliver useful content to people, secondarily with the hope a fraction of these people would buy stuffs off the Internet. All the hassles of Digital Marketimg can therefore be streamlined into one purpose – effectively reaching intended target, making sure no element in the effort of the writer, the content creator, or the curator, goes to waste.

By examining the core of Digital Marketing, its intricacies and capacity to evolve, one often lose sight of its primary objective, which is, bringing the content that it does not produce by itself to the liking of search engines. Why then is the primary material in the business of Digital Marketing largely ignored ? Or is it assumed that it is inherently 100 percent needing only the right push?

Creation of content would seem the correct point at which Digital Marketing must commence. Putting in mind the target audience, winning keywords, the right contexts and syntax in mind while developing this material can make the job of the SEO, SEM, E-mail Marketing experts, among others, yield rewardingly. Remember- the best of these experts chase after evolving algorithms but materials having the right flow is more fluid for optimisation and well positioned to shine at all seasons

The winning approach to a prosperous sales session is therefore the Digital Marketing strategy which begins content. Note that the word “optimised” is deffered. Content flow comes before optimisation. Research shoukd preceed the creation of marketing materials which must align uncompromisingly with the intent of the seller as it align with the needs or expectation of the audience per season.

Conversations shape decision making. Imagine the Internet as that workplace where marketing is prohibited. Nonetheless you hear rumours of your colleagues making the bucks. How can sales, plenty of it be made in this toxic yet competitive habitat? Trust is what brings the sales, but trust must be established skillfully. In this type of habitat trust is best established by showcasing values correctly. Sometimes it take sa single spark for it to be established enough to garner sales. Most times it takes social listening, for the temperament and expectations of the audience to be well understood.

Digital Marketers today have a job that should evolve maybe a little. Not every marketer should be able to handle every campaign from every industry. Rather than horizontal model which sees a marketer specialising singly in E-mail Marketing, SEO, SEM, etc., we should entrench the vertical such that a Digital Marketer does a top to bottom job within industries it has gathered expertise.

Rather than aiming for the service of separate specialists, individuals and companies should aim for the marketer specialised in their merchandise. Only then can thorough understanding hence strategisation and implementation of winning formulars can be guaranteed.
